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Imagine standing in the sunlight and being energized by its warmth

The many benefits of practicing the art of Reiki

Remember that Reiki benefits both the practitioner, as well as the recepiant
Reiki is and has been truly a gift of knowledge given to us unselfishly from Dr. Mikao Usui to each Reiki practitioner and master for the healing of ourselves while offering our learned assistance to help others in need. Sensei Usui-san understood that when we have the knowledge and practice to assist ourselves in a time of discomfort, we can then best relate and offer this same knowledge to assist others, as though we would be healing ourself.
Dr. Mikao Usui Photo around 1925
The following are thoughts from some Reiki practitioners and treatment receipt ants that have been expressed after having experienced the art of Reiki. These individuals represent many different ethnic backgrounds and personal beliefs:

Some individuals have expressed a very relaxed state of physical being without going to sleep or losing any muscle control. It has been said by others that all their emotional stress, worries, and mental fears and fatigue had been lifted and as though the treatment allowed more oxygen to flow through their body, without any psychological issues ever being addressed. A group of religious individuals have all said that their Reiki treatment or offering a treatment to others gave them divine warmth of joy and spiritual satisfaction. While others, not relating to focused to religion, but instead following the practice of logic, knowledge, and science, have agreed that their experience was comparable to feeling an acceptance by all and being more connected to all living things on this Earth than ever before.

The science offered within the art of Reiki has now become known as "anion activity" within the quantum physics field from research institutions like M.I.T., the Mayo Clinic, Scripts, the A.R.E., and various medical research facilities. Anions have been shown under an electron microscope to be about 1000 times smaller than the nucleus of the atom and circulate within the electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, and gluons, like a dust of stars in seen in the Milky Way. Tests have been showing that when the art of Reiki is being applied, that these antimonies move in a manner that offers the physical body a link to its remembered wellness, and appears to be drawn back to that state of mind, body, and spirit, without any other motivation. Scientists have observed an effect, but have not yet fully agreed as to why these anions tend to react when Reiki is being applied. Most believe that within the world of sub atomic particles that all living things circulate these anions in and around them at all times and intermix them with other living things when in close contact. Research is still in process in the fields of quantum physics and the latest called the string frequency theory assessed by Steven Hawking.

Most religious persons have another name for what Reiki can do when applied for oneself or in assisting others as these religious institutions have a healer, or group of individuals that not only offer prayers to our Heavenly Father to initiate a healing process. Other religions have individuals that offer "the laying down of hands" onto others so as to offer a healing that conventional medicines don't do. From ancient times, for as long as humans have walked the Earth, each civilization has offered a healing through the use of medicine, or close hands on contact, as well as to offer oral and topical herbs from what was available to them at the time.

So, no matter what your background may be, point in fact, when Reiki is being applied properly, the effects are felt in a different way for each of us, but in all cases they are always in positive way.

Children are the greatest blessing to introduce the art of Reiki to, or for the practitioner to have the opportunity to offer a treatment for. A child’s mind is often like the subconscious mind of an adult, always learning, uninhibited, eager to try something new, and not believing in limitations. What a wonderful experience the Reiki practitioner will have and hold to their heart when these opportunities occur. Remember that with age, does not always come knowledge or wisdom, but when these are cultivated, at any age, knowledge and wisdom have an opportunity to grow and blossom.

Animals, both wild and tame, will respond like children when art of Reiki is applied for their wellness. There are some Reiki practitioners that specialize in only treating pets as an assistance to the Veterinarian, for the sole purpose to offer more than conventional medications do, as well as to relax pets before and after surgery. It may sound silly, but there will even be times, when birds, dogs, or cats will follow you in public places, only in hopes that they might get a little Reiki time from the practitioner. What a joy this is when it occurs; a reminder for all of us to be thankful for each moment we have here.

Plants, as living things, too will show a response to Reiki, in their reminder to us all that they are life forms on this Earth as well as the planet itself. When the Reiki practitioner opens their hearts and minds to the full possibilities of how and where Reiki can be applied, the world will then appear a little differently than it ever did before. What a wonderment, how special this opportunity of experiencing Reiki is, and what a gift the Reiki practitioner has to offer for those in whom may be in discomfort. More thoughts for all of to reflect upon during our private moments of meditation.

So, do look at this unique opportunity and ask yourself, "Have I done all that I can do?" and "Is there more that I could do for myself, as well as to help others while I'm here." Truly, your thought will go a very long way, and you may wonder after learning the art of Reiki, why you waited so long to be fulfilled.

For more examples of what Reiki can do for you, please view the Resource Links to learn much more

 Rei  Ki 

My Reiki Master
