Relax . . . .  Create a smile on your face . . . . then Enter your Reiki Wellness Sanctuary . . . . Remember this feeling
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Anyone can learn and apply the Reiki technique

Why choose to learn Reiki

A thought can go a long way
Many have trusted and taught the Reiki technique for decades. Most people don’t understand the remarkable benefits of learning and believing in Reiki. My Reiki Master provides Reiki classes in Long Beach, California to teach people how to use this technique in their life and to share this gift with others. Reiki enlightens one’s life, promoting good health and positive thinking. This technique teaches you to think in different ways that can improve your overall wellness. To gain a Reiki Master certification, you have to complete 3 levels with at least 100 hours as practitioner or teacher. This Long Beach Reiki Master always offers personal attention and the instruction gives you confidence in your abilities. From there, you can begin to show people the incredible opportunities in life that come when we learn to change the way that we think. Reiki is a gift of knowledge given unselfishly for each of us to embrace it's positive betterment for ourselves as well as for us to pass along this knowledge and practice for those seeking self awareness, growth, enlightenment, and good health for all days to come.

Each of us have many opportunities along our way through life with moments we can enhance our own abilities, either through formal educational facilities or through private instruction. In looking back at these choices we've made, we can often say that if it were not for these leaps of knowledge we have attained, we would surely not be the person standing before you now.

Look at this opportunity well and ask yourself, "Have I done all that I can do?" and "Is there more that I could do for myself, as well as to help others while I'm here." Truly, a thought can go a long way, and with this thougt, you will learn how you can enrich yourself in more ways than you could ever imagine.

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For personal assistance, Please Contact Susan Thomas Today! or call her at (562) 235-8724

 Rei  Ki 

My Reiki Master
